► React visually explained: ’use client’ – This has to be one of the best explanations of React’s new client/server architecture. It explores what ’use client’ is, how it works, and the problems it solves. // DELBA OLIVEIRA
𝕏 Next.js Music Player – Lee launched an interactive music player app built with Next.js. In his post on X, he shares insights into his development process, explaining how he implemented PWA capabilities and integrated native media controls using the MediaSession API // LEE ROBINSON
⚡️ Sponsor![Stack Auth](https://nextjsweekly.com/email/sponsors/stackauth-main-light.png)
Stack Auth – The open-source Auth0 alternative. Install in your Next.js app with just one command: `npx @stackframe/init-stack@latest` // Stack Auth
📙 Tutorials, Articles & Opinion
How to fetch data in React [2024] – Explores various options for data fetching, covering React Server Components, tRPC, React Query, and React’s new ’use’ API // ROBIN WIERUCH
📦 Packages / Tools / Repos
v1 – An open-source starter kit designed for rapid development, built with insights from a real-world, large-scale Next.js app. Comes pre-configured with essential features like email integration, background jobs, error monitoring, rate-limiting, and more // PONTUS ABRAHAMSSON
React Aria - September 30, 2024 Release – Color picker components are now generally available, buttons now provide a pending state, advanced TreeView to beta, and new Disclosure and DisclosureGroup components for building accordions and collapsible panels // REACT ARIA
useAnimate mini – Framer Motion now provides a 2.5kB mini version of their useAnimate hook built on the Web Animations API to deliver hardware accelerated animations for a tiny bundlesize // FRAMER MOTION
Vaul 1.0 – The probably best React drawer component has hit version 1.0. Fully rewritten, improved, and with fresh documentation. // EMIL KOWALSKI
🌈 Related
Component Composition is great btw – Dominik covers the correct way to approach component composition, with special attention given to conditional rendering for managing multiple states // DOMINIK DORFMEISTER
Clean React with TypeScript – Exploring common React features and patterns and how to seamlessly integrate them with TypeScript // ROBIN WESER